Saturday, March 23, 2019


She said she was going to take me to get a Brazilian wax at the Korean salon....
I remembered the last time....the women all speaking Korean and all the laughter....and the other women coming in to watch.....and they all had something to say....and they were all laughing!!!!!
I rarely say no to her but this time I said no....I would not face that humiliation again....I absolutely refused....
She nodded and agreed that I could skip the wax this time around!!!1
I couldn't believe that she had let me get away with the rebellion.....without even a spanking.....I should have known better....
The next day she took me to an older section of town....the shops were a little run down and certainly showed their age....she pulled to a stop and got out of the car.....she took me by the hand and led me to an old time Barber Shop and introduced me to Vincenzo....
His hands were a little shaky but he kept up a stream of Italian....with all the others gathered around to watch as he shaved me clean....I would have never imagined that a little Barber shop could get that busy ....and the laughter was constant and only got louder as I pulled my panties back up when we were leaving!!!!

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