Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Is It OK

I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about our marriage.....
In bed she rolls over and gently cups my caged clit in her hand as she looks into my eyes...
"Is it OK Sissy? Are you still OK with this? Do you want me to get the key? Do you want to try and make love to me again?"
I looked into her eyes and all I saw was love and concern for my happiness!!!
"Yes Sweetheart, I'm OK just like this, I'd love to make love with you but I don't need the key for I?"
She laughed quietly and kissed me....and kissed me again....and we cuddled....
"I'm tired now Sissy, but you can make love to me tomorrow....."
"I'm already looking forward to it Sweetheart!"
"Me too too..."
She rolled over and went to sleep still holding me.....I slept too....eventually....


  1. I love when my wife will hold my caged cock in bed until she falls asleep.

  2. If the wife is too tired, another option is for her to let the sissy kiss her goodnight. On her bottom. Until she's been asleep for at least a half hour.
