Friday, September 22, 2017

I See You're Ready

Ms. LaSalle looked up as he entered the store. She smiled as she saw how nervous he was always the same with the new ones!
"Did you do as I asked?"
"You mean...did I ...."
She waved he hand impatiently....
"Did you bring the lingerie?"
"Yes I did!" he blushed deep red!
"Well! Where is it?"
"I'm....I'm wearing it!"
"Wonderful mon petit! Now take this little dress and let's see how pretty you can be!!!"
He paused for a moment as if on the brink of an abyss....
"Yes mademoiselle! Thank you so much!!!"
And he stepped off the edge and his world changed forever!!!!



  1. Replies
    1. Sally....I couldn't agree more....although I have a few dress shops where they know "Kaaren" it would be so wonderful to have a dress shop encounter like this!!!!!
