Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 Some months ago I was driving home from shopping when my car was hit on the driver’s side by a drunk driver. He had been speeding and had blown through a red light and hit me hard.The airbag saved my life but I was pretty badly injured .
The Firefighters had to use the Jaws of Life to cut me out of the car.
What followed was a nightmare.
My left leg had been shattered and I had a serious concussion.
Since then I have had over a dozen surgeries and multiple stays in Rehabs even so I will never walk without a limp for the rest of my life.
I hope you are all doing well and I plan to return to posting Kaaren’s last blogs soon.
Thanks for your support and patience.

Mrs K


  1. Oh my! I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you make as full a recovery as you can, even if with a limp. I was a bit worried when Sissy 2 went offline for a while (I see it is back).

    Take your time posting. We appreciate your posts, but your responsibility is to yourself.

  2. What horrible news! So sorry this happened. It must have been an awful experience, and I hope you can somehow recuperate. They can do some amazing things these days. Best wishes Mrs. K.

  3. How horrible indeed!
    Thanks for letting us know and please keep us informed
    Prayers for successful recovery

  4. That is awful news!! I know first hand the frustrations, fear, anger, recovery and all the emotions. 26 years I went through a very similar experience. Be thankful you're still breathing, life is precious and so very short. Wishing you a steady recovery, and thank you for sharing.


  5. Thoughts and prayers Mrs K. Such aweful news. This sissy wishes you a speedy and full recovery.

  6. I am so sorry, please let us all know if there is anything we can do to help support you in your recovery.

  7. It is both wonderful to hear from you again, and horrible to learn about all that you've endured in the last few months. I hope you're healing, and to the extent sharing is therapy, we're all here for you.

