Back when I was a girl my friends and I would discuss how to make our boyfriends happy while holding on to our virginity.
Hands and mouths were the only answer.
None of us ever even heard of anal and there wouldn’t have been any chance that any of us would have tried it then.
So it was hands and mouths.
Some of the guys we dated were content with touching our tits and getting a handjob.
But most of them wanted more.
So we would just go ahead and suck them off.
Most of my girlfriends thought it was horrible but you had to do it if you wanted to keep your guy happy.
There was one girl, let’s call her Laura, she hated doing it. She hated everything about it. And if he shot off without warning her she would go nuts.
She’s the one who came up with the idea of holding a cherry flavored Lifesaver in her mouth to mask the taste. On at least one occasion she nearly choked on it but she swore by it.
I never had to do that because I liked it. Everything she hated about doing it was something that I loved about it.
I suggested the candy method to Kaaren once and he just rejected it outright.
If he was going to suck a cock there shouldn’t be any illusion that he was doing anything other than that.
And, although he enjoyed doing it, he always said it was because I”made” him do it.
And if he needed that to justify to himself why he was on his knees with a man’s cock in his mouth then that was okay with me.
Mrs K