Thursday, October 1, 2015

Sissy School - High Marks

When Sissy Kaaren got to her dorm room she was surprised to see her math teacher was there with her adorable roommate Sissy Leeanne!!!
"Hi Mister Gold....Hi what's going on?"
"Hi Kaaren....I'm just getting an "A" in Trigonometry right now!"
"Can I stay and study with know how I love math!!!"
They both nodded enthusiastically as Kaaren kicked off her heels and cuddled next to Leeanne!!!!
It tickled a little when she earned her "A" but no one said it would be easy!!!!


  1. Kaaren,

    I don't teach math, but there are so many things I could teach you and Leeanne. For the pleasure of doing this to you and Leeanne, I'd teach you EVERYTHING I know.
