Friday, March 7, 2014

When I Was A Girl

When I was a girl I would always run around the house in just a t-shirt and panties! My father used to yell at me all the time and my mother used to lecture me on how a proper lady behaves!
I never dreamed that one day my husband would be doing the very same thing! I never dreamed it but I just love it!!!


  1. If this was you and me Kaaren, I imagine I'd pinch your bum then you'd chase me into the lounge room and pull me giggling across your lap and spank me till I was pouting and begging you to stop.

    1. Sounds lovely Jo, but you'd have to promise to make me pout and beg's only fair!

    2. You're right darling, it is only fair. It might be a bit of a trick for me to be dommy enough to spank you though. I'm not sure I have a dommy bone in my body :)

  2. i am definitely heading in this direction with my wife. girls together, few signs of the male i once was. Body hair all gone, Mani-pedis together Lotions and creams. Styled hair. Yoga class, Girl talk, women's movies and books, Such a treat.

    1. I look in the mirror and I see very little trace of the boy that used to be there! You're very lucky to have a wife who "gets it"!

  3. For couples living together or recently married couple, this is a great way to begin getting Your sub comfortable in his new life. A tee-shirt is not totally fem, but the panties are. his mind has to deal with the comfort and pretty look of his panties, while the tee-shirts provides him a trace of his departing boyhood. After a period of time, You can switch his tee-shirt out for a progressively more tem top. Eventually, he will start wearing his panties and cami to work. This is how Mistress Barbara started training me. We started with a scrubb suit top rather than a tee-shirt.

    1. Matching panties would b so cute.
