"I' ummm I'd like it....if you made me.....you know..."
"No I don't know Sissy.....now tell me!!!!"
"I'd like it if you made me....suck....!"
"Do you want to suck a cock Sissy...it's not that hard to say....tell me right now....I'm running out of patience with you!"
"Yes...that's it!"
"Say it Sissy!!! Dammit I'm going to get my hairbrush and heat up your sissy ass if you don't tell me!!!"
"Yes I'd like to suck a cock!!!"
"Let me see if I can call someone to come over.....I love watching you suck cocks!"
"No that's not what I mean!!! That's not what I want...."
"Last chance Sissy, just say it....just tell me what you want!!!"
"I want....I want to suck your cock....I want to suck your cock!!!"
"Oh is that all Sissy....god look at you ....you're actually blushing.....you want to suck my cock....do you want me to fuck you too?"
"Yes Ma'am!"
"Say it then Sissy....all in one sentence....and ask me nice!!!"
"Please Sweetheart....I'd love it if you allowed me to suck your big manly cock and, if it pleases you, would you please fuck my sissy pussy....pretty please?"
"Go fetch whichever one you'd like me to use Sissy and bring it here.....was that so hard....god I can't believe the things that embarrass you!!!"

My, that wasn't so hard now,was it? ~s