Saturday, December 9, 2017

Just A Given

It's so rare to see a married man shopping for underwear for himself and you almost never see any buying for their wives!!!!
So it is very important that those wives buy their husbands something pretty and flattering....and to make sure they wear them whether they want to or not!!!!


  1. My wife usually buys me panties for Christmas and makes sure I open the present in front of family. I also shop for my own panties too. I love buying panties at Victoria's Secret. The girls in there are always so helpful especially making sure they talk loud enough so the other customers know I'm buying for myself.

    1. I've found that most of the salesladies at VS are very nice....they deal with lots of men buying gifts for their wives/girlfriends who just happen to be the same size as them!!!!
      Yes I've had occasions where a couple of them made fun of me but really as a submissive who craves humiliation that just makes it better!!!!
