I trotted obediently down the stairs and saw several doors.....peeking into the first one I heard about how god was going to punish the sinful and I decided that group wasn't for me!!!
I peeked into the second door and heard about how a life of chastity would be rewarded in the afterlife with an eternity of chastity....definitely not the study group for me....
I peeked into the third door and found a bunch of unhappy looking men sitting silently and staring at the floor....
"What is this group about?"
"We're fighting sex addiction.....we can't seem to help ourselves....we just want sex all the time!!!!"
"Wow....me too.....would you mind if I joined you!!!!"
"Not at all.....come in and get comfortable...."
They were so nice....they even gave me a padded kneeler to use....and we were all addressing our sex addiction issues till my wife found me and dragged me out.....she called the pink bus to come and it was waiting by the door when we reached
I was a little sad until the bus door opened and I saw that the driver was one of the guys from my new church group!!!!
I would like to go to that church.
ReplyDeleteOh my, oh to be able to swap places