Wednesday, January 31, 2024


My Kaaren wasn’t quite that easy but he was close.
He could handle a few drinks and he preferred single malt scotch, the really expensive ones!
But if that was the price I had to pay to keep the best man I ever knew happy then it was more than worth it.
On my date last Saturday I ordered the drinks for us both, force of habit I guess. Whenever Kaaren and I went out I always ordered for him. After all I was in charge.
Going to a restaurant with my Sweetheart was always such fun. To anyone looking we were just a couple in love whispering to each other. They would have been shocked to hear the things I was telling Kaaren that I would have him do right there if he misbehaved!
He would be squirming in his chair after a while. And let’s not forget that he was always “plugged” too.
My date was very nice, respectful and polite. Nicely dressed and most importantly, had a good sense of humor.
When he drove me home he didn’t make any moves on me. I think he was a little nervous, maybe more than me.
He walked me to my door and asked if he could see me again, he was very cute about it.
I started to feel like he was afraid that my daddy would pull the door open and chase him away.
Then he gave me a good night kiss. On the cheek.
I felt like a teenager again!
Except when I was a teenager I didn’t have a drawer full of sex toys to finish the night with.
I’m going to see him again and we’ll see how it goes.

Mrs K

It really doesn't take that the time I finish this cocktail, my legs will be spread and my mouth will be open.....ready for you!!!


  1. Good luck on your next date, he may be in for a surprise.

    You mentioned you'd known him for a long time; had he met Kaaren previously? Perhaps his reticence is because he suspects what he's in for once he crosses your threshold, as it were.


    1. Yes he knew my husband but I don’t think he knew Kaaren if you know what I mean.
      We were not close friends, more like casual acquaintances.
      Sometimes it’s hard for me to tell if someone was able to see through the masquerade where Kaaren was concerned.
      I like to think that we were discreet in not letting anyone know more than we wanted them to know.
      I’m trying not to think of him as someone who would want to be like Kaaren but at the same time I’d love to have another man who would treat me like Kaaren did.
      We’ll see how it goes.

      Mrs K

    2. Kaaren was unique. hopefully, you will find someone who treats you as *well* as Kaaren did, but perhaps not in the same fashion.

  2. So pleased to hear it went well. Will you be ordering for him next time just to test his reaction?
    p x
