Friday, October 6, 2023


This is absolutely true, I remember that day very clearly.
Kaaren was a little uncomfortable because I made him wear his “boy” clothes, after all his was a professional meeting not a date.
However Kaaren always managed to be a little naughty, I couldn’t help but notice a bit of his lacy chemise peeking out every time he leaned forward.
And yes, he went over my knee later just as I’m sure he planned all along.
When I found this post in his drafts folder it was the rare occasion where it was the picture he had included that got to me more than the words.
Yes,that would have been a wonderful way to spend our retirement together.
Really would have been wonderful.

Mrs K

She had a financial planner come by the house today to discuss retirement plans and options.....
I was soon lost as the various plans and funds were being tossed around.....municipals bonds and T-bills....I mean really....who knows this stuff?
But I sat quietly and listened as I had been told to do......but in all the talk about planning ahead for retirement there was not a word about the things I was most interested in....
I want to spend the rest of my life at her side....doing all I can to make her happy....that's my retirement plan!!!!


  1. Beautiful Mrs K
    Thanks for sharing
    Sending hugs

  2. so sorry you did not get to share more time with Kaaren. It sounds like you had a wonderful marriage

  3. It must be so hard believing you had all this before, only to have it wrenched away so soon. I hope you find some comfort in knowing so many were touched by your life together.

