Saturday, October 28, 2023

Fresh Air

Yes I did spank him. Sometimes I did it outside in outside in our backyard.
We had a nice sized property that afforded us some degree of privacy. Not complete privacy but close.
The one neighbor who had a relatively clear view of our yard was an elderly woman who lived next door.
Her vision wasn’t too good and her memory was failing but we loved her like a surrogate mom to us both.
On more than one occasion she asked me who the “young lady” was that she had seen. I told her that ‘she” was our part time housekeeper and she was satisfied with that.
We were both very surprised and embarrassed one day when we discovered that our neighbor’s granddaughter had moved in and we saw her watching Kaaren get his spanking outside.
But it turned out alright.
She was just amused and she told me that she had fun watching.
I loved when she’d be there and I’d make Kaaren smile and wave to her as he went over my knees.
It was all so much fun.

Mrs K

"Come outside Sissy....come outside and get some fresh air....there's nothing I enjoy more than spanking your sissy bottom outside....where we can both get some fresh air!!!!"
"Yes Ma'am!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. I seem to recall Kaaren writing something about the granddaughter. did she ever come inside the house for the full Kaaren experience?

    How early in your relationship did you start spanking him?

