Tuesday, September 17, 2024

That Was How

Did I ever catch Kaaren like this.
Why yes I did.
It usually resulted in a spanking followed by a session with my strap-on.
And I’m absolutely certain that Kaaren had every intention of being caught.
I wonder about relationships where a scene like this is a surprise.
I think Kaaren and I were both very lucky that we could enjoy this harmless fun and I’d like to think that others would enjoy it as well.

Mrs K

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


It’s no secret that I love the idea of a man wearing pretty things.
Ever since I was a little girl I loved to play dress up with the boys and put them in dresses.
Later the fantasy of seeing a man dressed up giving a blowjob became one of my favorites.
I love to think about two men who work together would also share their most intimate secrets with each other.
Kaaren and I discussed whether this would happen. He told me that the only way he could see it would be if they accidentally discovered each other’s secrets.
I’m not sure but I think how lucky they would be and how much I’d love to watch.
I wonder what others think about this. Men finding themselves in a situation like this. Does it happen?

Mrs K

Friday, September 6, 2024


Kaaren wrote this and I can’t think of a single thing that I could add!
He was a real slut sometimes.
Well, most of the time.
But he was the sweetest slut anyone ever met.

Mrs K

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 Some months ago I was driving home from shopping when my car was hit on the driver’s side by a drunk driver. He had been speeding and had blown through a red light and hit me hard.The airbag saved my life but I was pretty badly injured .
The Firefighters had to use the Jaws of Life to cut me out of the car.
What followed was a nightmare.
My left leg had been shattered and I had a serious concussion.
Since then I have had over a dozen surgeries and multiple stays in Rehabs even so I will never walk without a limp for the rest of my life.
I hope you are all doing well and I plan to return to posting Kaaren’s last blogs soon.
Thanks for your support and patience.

Mrs K

Wednesday, January 31, 2024


My Kaaren wasn’t quite that easy but he was close.
He could handle a few drinks and he preferred single malt scotch, the really expensive ones!
But if that was the price I had to pay to keep the best man I ever knew happy then it was more than worth it.
On my date last Saturday I ordered the drinks for us both, force of habit I guess. Whenever Kaaren and I went out I always ordered for him. After all I was in charge.
Going to a restaurant with my Sweetheart was always such fun. To anyone looking we were just a couple in love whispering to each other. They would have been shocked to hear the things I was telling Kaaren that I would have him do right there if he misbehaved!
He would be squirming in his chair after a while. And let’s not forget that he was always “plugged” too.
My date was very nice, respectful and polite. Nicely dressed and most importantly, had a good sense of humor.
When he drove me home he didn’t make any moves on me. I think he was a little nervous, maybe more than me.
He walked me to my door and asked if he could see me again, he was very cute about it.
I started to feel like he was afraid that my daddy would pull the door open and chase him away.
Then he gave me a good night kiss. On the cheek.
I felt like a teenager again!
Except when I was a teenager I didn’t have a drawer full of sex toys to finish the night with.
I’m going to see him again and we’ll see how it goes.

Mrs K

Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday ManCandy

Kaaren was raised as a Catholic boy.
As he used to say the nuns beat the religion out of him.
Times were different and they were allowed to do that to school kids then.
Kaaren always thought that they just needed to get laid and it would make them happier.
But he did have some fantasies involving nuns, thankfully he never dressed like one.

Mrs K

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Just Like This

I don’t know which one of us enjoyed this the most.
It was so nice after a date to have my Kaaren soothe and clean me up afterwards. Plus I usually had another orgasm or two.
Kaaren was very talented with his tongue and very considerate too.
I’ve got my first date since my Sweethearts passing on Saturday but unfortunately Kaaren won’t be waiting when I get home.
Wish me luck!

Mrs K