Saturday, October 19, 2024


 I was asked about my recovery from the auto accident I was involved in and I thought some of you might want an update.

All in all I had fifteen surgeries on my leg including a cosmetic procedure that dealt with a lot of the scarring.
I’m full of titanium rods and plates along with plenty of screws holding it all together. If you were to kick me in the leg it would probably hurt you more than me.
I’m still walking with a limp but it’s not as pronounced as it was and I’m still continuing with physical therapy.

I have mostly retired from my job but my boss has retained me as a consultant. 

Spending more time at home is a mixed blessing. I don’t miss the commute to work but it can get lonely sometimes.

I still have almost all of Kaaren’s things. I’ve tried several times to box them up and move them into the garage but in a day or so I put it all back while having a good cry.

I’ve been seeing a man that I met at physical therapy. He was injured in a motorcycle accident and lost three toes. He laughed about it when he told me about the accident. He pointed out that he went off the road at high speed and is still amazed that he’s alive., 
It’s the laughter that got to me. And he made me laugh with him. I haven’t done much laughing since Kaaren’s been gone.

He said he wished he could take me out dancing but he lost his twinkle toes in the accident.

It’s not too serious between us but I have to admit he is very good in bed. If anything, it’s me that’s been holding back. Not because I don’t want him, I do, very much so. Truth be told I think it’s because he’s not Kaaren.
I know it’s not fair to him but I can’t help it. Luckily he’s been pretty understanding and patient with me.

In case anyone is interested my friend and former assistant Stacy has moved into an executive position and she’s getting married! I couldn’t be happier for her.. I wonder if she’s still using her strap-on? I haven’t asked and she hasn’t told me. Her fiancé is a soft spoken and sweet man. I can picture him bent over for her but my mind is always in the gutter!

I thought about selling the house. I was showing the realtor around and she asked me about Kaaren’s room.
It was so pretty and girly that when I told her that it had been Kaaren’s bedroom she just assumed that she was my daughter.
She mentioned that a lot of parents downsized after the kids moved out and I started to cry.
I haven’t followed through with listing the house.
Don’t know if I can.

Anyway, physically I’m getting better. Mentally the pain of loss is still there and probably always will be. But it’s becoming easier to bear as time goes by.

I have a date tonight and he’s going to come home with me. I’m going to rock his world.

That’s all for now. I still have hundreds of posts to go through. Kaaren was quite prolific. Hopefully I’ll get to post them all.

Be well.

Mrs K


  1. Just a note to let you know your post was read. I hate saying other "things" as I feel I come across as cheesy, platitudes, anything that sounds like advice, it's hard to know what to say where the good wishes with sincerity is there, but the words might not capture that...if that makes sense. :)

    1. I understand more clearly than you might think.
      I’ve read your notes and have appreciated them over the time that I’ve been posting on Kaaren’s blogs.
      I’ve also been reading your blog as well which I’ve been enjoying very much.
      Thanks for sharing.
      By the way, Kaaren loved his nickname. Slut Lips was really a perfect name for him and he was thrilled with it.

      Be well
      Mrs K

  2. Hi Mrs. K. I totally understand how you feel. I lost my wife in January after 40 years together. It was months before I could even cross dress again as it just wasn’t any fun to do alone. Wishing you all the best. -Kate

    1. I’m very sorry to hear about your loss.
      They say that time heals all wounds but some never really heal, they just hurt less.
      Slip on something sexy and treat yourself to something special because you are something special.

      Be well
      Mrs K

  3. Thank you so much for this post Mrs. K.
    Glad to hear about all the topics you touched on in it.
    Your continued physical recovery, updates on your employment, Stacy, and your new relationship.
    Most importantly, thanks for sharing your feelings as you continue to grieve for Kaaren.
    Sending hugs

    1. I tried to make it positive and upbeat but I still miss Kaaren very much.
      Yes, I’ve dated a couple of guys since Kaaren has been gone and this current relationship may have potential.
      We’ll see how it goes.
      He stayed with me last night and we had a wonderful time.
      He went home after he cooked brunch for us.
      Hearing him in the kitchen reminded me of old times when Kaaren would serve me and sometimes guests to a delicious meal.
      Thanks for the notes, it's good to know that others appreciate Kaaren’s work .

      Be well

      Mrs K
