Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Outside Her Door

I sometimes get far more aroused after I'm told to leave the room and end up just listening to them....
When I hear her cumming on his hard cock I get so hot and that's why I'm in the cage I guess....because that's where my hand goes....still....after all this time....I guess it always will...



  1. That is the most incredible sound hearing your wife have an orgasm when she's in the bedroom with her boy friend. I do the same thing. I reach down for my cockette only to not feel anything through the cage.

  2. I would not throw her out of bed.

  3. es un placer sentir ami esposa disfrutar con su noviio y yo soy muy feliz ,, yo siempre llevo la jaula puesta

  4. es un placer sentir ami esposa disfrutar con su noviio y yo soy muy feliz ,, yo siempre llevo la jaula puesta

  5. I love being outside and hearing her with a man, I prefer it to watching. The thought of my wife privately and noisily doing whatever intimate thuings she wants with a real man really turns me on.

  6. Sometimes you can't keep from playing with your nipples at those times. Unfortunately, that just makes your frustration worse.
