Wednesday, September 11, 2024


It’s no secret that I love the idea of a man wearing pretty things.
Ever since I was a little girl I loved to play dress up with the boys and put them in dresses.
Later the fantasy of seeing a man dressed up giving a blowjob became one of my favorites.
I love to think about two men who work together would also share their most intimate secrets with each other.
Kaaren and I discussed whether this would happen. He told me that the only way he could see it would be if they accidentally discovered each other’s secrets.
I’m not sure but I think how lucky they would be and how much I’d love to watch.
I wonder what others think about this. Men finding themselves in a situation like this. Does it happen?

Mrs K

Once he was in garters and hose he was so much more attractive and it was so easy to do!!!
"If you put this on I'll suck your cock all night long!!!!"
He couldn't get it on quick enough....
"Oh Karl!!!!" He moaned!!!!"
"Call me Karla....oh please Andy......"
It was a fantastic night....
Although it was a little awkward the next morning, when we got into the patrol car to start our shift....


  1. I'm sure it happens. The longer I'm on this planet, I'm convinced that just about anything and everything happens. :)

  2. How I would love for Thai to happen!

  3. I love the moment the mundane and routine unexpectedly turns into something else, and you look at one another in an entirely new light.

    or from a different vantage point.

