Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Not always fun

I was about 8 years old when my older brother caught me going through my Mons underwear drawer. I was caught red-handed with a pair of her full cut briefs still in my hand when he found me.

I'd like to say he sat me down and talked to me as he was twice my age and twice my size but that's not what happened.
He beat the living daylights out of me. He called me a sissy faggot. That was the first time I had ever heard those words. The beating seemed to go on forever. To make it worse he told my father who beat me again.
I was punished for weeks, and my brother was not even scolded for giving me two black eyes and knocking a tooth out.
He died young so we never had a chance to reconcile but I like to think that if the situation had been reversed I wouldn't have acted like him.


  1. I don't whose experience was worse Kaaren? Yours, or mine. At least my mom didn't tell my dad when she and my sister caught me. Does your brother ever mention it? Or reference it in any way?

    1. Unfortunately my brother died when I was still a teenager so we never got past this. We were very different people and were never close after this happened. He was a jock and I was a sissy. We had nothing in common except DNA.
      AS for my father, well he would bring it up only after he'd had a snootfull. He was a mean drunk and i learned to make myself scarce whenever he was drinking.
      Through it all I persevered and here I am the same sissy I have always been.
