Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday ManCandy

It's that exact moment....I'm sure you all know it...your mouth is full of that creamy delicious treat we all crave....and you may swirl it around a bit tasting how delicious it is.....maybe you swallow just a little....but just having your mouth full makes you smile....we all know that joy as that warm mouthful slowly slides down into your makes your day that much brighter!!!
ManCandy!!!! It is guaranteed to put a smile on your face!!!


  1. Satisfying to read this experience.. which resonates so strongly... the tastes, smells, substance of affectionate sex with your partner... the pelting demonstration of desire and the oyster-swallowing of his shared being. A glowing, connected moment of bliss. Thank you Sissy.

  2. Yes. Always makes me smile a little, with my mouth full, and hearing the lucky guy on the receiving end cry out "OMG I'm cumming!!"

  3. Oh my... how does she keep her lipstick so perfect? A lovely pic! sara

  4. Oh Yea! Cum on your face is so perfect and wonderful. I love it!!
